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Writer's pictureKendra Cabral


One of my favorite childhood memories was watching my dad airbrush. He had this natural flow the way he carved the frisket with his exacto knife and placed the tiny plastic strips on the edge of his desk. It was calming and peaceful watching and feeling his rhythms while he worked. I was mesmerized. I used to love to go into his home office and watch him create extremely realistic artwork. I didn’t realize it then, but upon reflection, I see how I have been primed to work with excellence. Instead of looking through a magnifying glass to not miss the tiniest details, I close my eyes and see through my hands. Rather than paint, I mold God’s creation into better health. My movements have rhythm and precision. And just like my Dad, I have found my flow. It is one of my greatest joys in life! After struggling with branding myself on my own for a year, I finally approached my Dad and asked him for his help. It was many years ago that he specialized in creating logos, but apparently he still has that creative spark in him. He was quick, fun and came up with the name, logo and tagline all in less than a week! Last year Monarch Touch became an official LLC. We hear continuously that we find life in the journey. I have to agree. It’s where I capture the best memories.


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